Does LoGeo help with the communication between drivers and office staff?
We provide together with the LoGeo system a Driver App used in Android systems to assist the work of drivers and help with the communication between them and office staff.
The functions of the app include:
- Providing detailed information needed for each tour (addresses, consignment barcodes, etc.)
- Tracking vehicles and consignments via GPS on drivers' smart phones
- Confirming the right consignment loaded or unloaded by barcode scanning and matching
- Recording errors that occurs such as missing or damaged consignment units
- Capturing POC/POD (proof of collection/delivery)
- Sending updates of tour and consignment status to the LoGeo system
All the updates recorded, errors reported and POD/POC captured by the app will be available in the LoGeo system in seconds. As a result, your staff can easily monitor tours and get information and updates; drivers can avoid loading wrong consignments and report errors with a few clicks on the app. With the visibility provided by the app, your staff and drivers can do their jobs more efficiently and also save a great amount of time on phone calls.
The app supports most of Android and Windows smart phones and tablets with a recent operation system. Currently, the apps can not work on Iphones or Ipads.
Watch our demo video of the LoGeo Driver App to see how it works.